Published on: Saturday July, 31st 2021

Ibn ‘Abbās (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he saw a man who shivered on hearing a Hadīth of the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) about Allah's attributes. So, he said: "What is the reason for those people's fear? They willingly accept what is precise thereof, and react ruinously when it comes to what is broadly indicative.” [Sahih/Authentic] - [Ibn Abi ‘Aasim - ‘Abdur-Razzaaq]

عن ابن عباس -رضي الله عنهما- أنه رأى رجلا انْتَفَضَ لما سمع حديثا عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في الصفات -استنكارا لذلك– فقال: "ما فَرَقُ هؤلاء؟ يجدون رِقَّةً عند مُحْكَمِهِ، ويَهْلِكُونَ عند مُتَشَابِهِهِ" . [صحيح.] - [رواه عبد الرزاق وابن أبي عاصم.]

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